
Episode 337

Feb 2, 2021

YomassageⓇ co-founder Katherine Parker joins the podcast to talk about the new Instagram algorithms and how to take advantage of its quirks.

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YomassageⓇ co-founder Katherine Parker joins the podcast to talk about the new Instagram algorithms and how to take advantage of its quirks.

Learn more about YomassageⓇ at their website yomassage.com and join their Facebook community here 

Our listeners can use code MBBSOCIAL to receive 20% off the social media course and use code MBB10 for 10% off yomassage or barefoot yomassage training


Sponsor message This episode is sponsored by Yomassage. Become an expert in all things restorative stretch, mindfulness meditation, and therapeutic touch in a comprehensive, three-week virtual Yomassage therapist certification. In this training, you will learn practices you can offer your clients virtually and an innovative modality that enables you to serve clients in a group or one-on-one setting. You will build community with the other therapists going through this training. You'll have assignments due each week, weekly discussion posts, live Q&A's, weekly quizzes, and lots of one-to-one feedback from your instructor. Payment plans are available for the May and June 2020 virtual trainings. And this training offers 10.5 NCBTMB CE hours, and because that's not enough, our listeners can get $50 off courses May through July. Use the code BLUEPRINT -- one word, all caps, BLUEPRINT. To learn more and register for Yomassage virtual training, visit massagebusinessblueprint.com/yomassage.

Michael Reynolds Hey, everyone. Welcome to the Massage Business Blueprint podcast, where we help you attract more clients, make more money, and improve your quality of life. I'm Michael Reynolds.

Allissa Haines I'm Allissa Haines.

MR And we are your hosts. Thanks for joining us today for another special expert interview episode. And we are thrilled to welcome back one of the co-founders of Yomassage, Katherine Parker. Katherine, welcome back.

Katherine Parker Thank you so much. I'm always happy to come and talk with you guys on your podcast. I've been catching up on some of your episodes, and you guys are just amazing. I love listening to everything that you guys put out.

MR Well, we appreciate the fact that you still listen to us after all this time, so thank you for that in addition to being a great partner of ours. We do appreciate that. So I know you've been on the show before. You and Tiffany both have been, kind of, regular guests on our podcast for a while now. We always love having you on. And I know that you, particularly, like to talk some of the marketing topics, which we're going to get into a little bit later on the episode. So we're really excited about that.

So let's start off hearing a little bit more about you. Let's get some of your background, kind of recap for those who maybe don't know you or maybe haven't heard from you for a while. Tell us a little bit about your background. I know your background includes founding a yoga studio in Portland. You co-founded Yomassage with Tiffany Ryan. And I heard, also, you recently made a trip to Dubai. So tell us more.

KP Yeah. So I did -- in 2018, I -- well, we started Yomassage in 2018. So a couple years before that, I opened up a yoga studio. And we really -- we started Yomassage selfishly because I really wanted a way to receive massage on a regular basis. And I wanted something that I could do maybe on a weekly basis, maybe more often, to receive massage. So we came up with this format that allows you to receive massage during a restorative yoga-type class, including meditation, and in a small group session, so five or less people.

Since 2018, it's definitely evolved. We have a lot of people doing it one-on-one. We have people doing it in couples. And we recently -- this is our first time announcing it, but we're launching a table version of Yomassage in a couple weeks.

AH That's so cool.

KP Yeah. Yeah. It's really -- we're really excited about that. But yeah. So I was recently in Dubai. Tiffany and I went to talk about Yomassage. It was kind of crazy. I don't think we would be able to go if the event would've been this week because things kind of shut down. But yeah, we took like five COVID tests to get there and back and all the things. It was a great time, and we met a lot of great people.

AH What was the Dubai trip all about? Why were you there?

KP We are involved in an entrepreneur group here in Portland called TiE Oregon, and they're part of a global group. So we -- they help us out. It's sort of like a mentor group where they help you if you want to raise money or basically anything for your start-up. We were in a competition where we pitched our idea, and then we won the local competition, so we got to go to the global competition. And we were basically there with a bunch of other entrepreneurs who got to pitch their idea to the global TiE community in Dubai.

AH That is so neat. What was the breakdown? Was it a lot of male-owned start-ups, or were there a lot of women?

KP No. No. This is a female-only -- well, the TiE group isn't female only, but the pitch competition that we were in was a female-only pitch competition. So we were only there with women, and it was women from all around the world -- mostly India because the organization is -- started in India, but a few other people from the U.S. and a couple European countries. But yeah, it was so awesome to meet so many different people with so many different types of businesses. I mean, some of these women have these crazy medical devices and just -- it was amazing.

AH That sounds really cool. Your pictures were cool. I think I saw mostly Tiffany's on Instagram, and they were great.

KP Yeah. Yeah. Well, thank you. Yeah. It was so fun.

MR Sounds amazing. Well, cool. Thanks for sharing that. And I also know that a lot of our listeners have been really excited about taking Yomassage classes. I think we hear just all the time now about how many of our listeners and members in our Community are so excited about what they're learning from Yomassage. So we really appreciate the partnership and what you bring to our Community as well. And on that note, I know you have a couple offers for our listeners, so let's jump into that before we get to the topic. You have a couple special offers for classes. It looks like you have -- actually, you -- I'll let you share it here. But let's talk about where to find you first, where to sign up for classes, and what those offers are. Do you mind sharing?

KP Yeah. So you can find us at yomassage.com. That's Y-O-M-A-S-S-A-G-E dot com. And then we're also @yomassage on Instagram. And we are -- well, we'll talk more about this since we're talking about Instagram today, but we have a social media for massage therapists course. It's $69 and it's open to anyone that wants to take it. You don't have to be a Yomassage therapist. And you guys can get 20% off with the code MBBSOCIAL. If you're already -- if you've already taken one of our trainings and you're a member, it's $29 in the member's portal, and you can get an additional 20% off that as well. And then if you're interested in our 25- or 30-hour Yomassage certifications, you can get 10% off with the code MBB10.

MR All right. Thank you. So MBBSOCIAL for 20% off the social course; MBB10 for 10% off the Yomassage -- or barefoot Yomassage training.

KP Yes.

MR Thanks for sharing that. All right. Let's talk Instagram. I am particularly interested because I know that a lot of our listeners really like Instagram. It's a fun, kind of, visual, simple medium to share imagery on and kind of have a lot of fun with. It doesn't come with a lot of the baggage that Facebook and some of the other networks come with, and so a lot of people really like it. I'll admit I use Instagram only for pictures of my family. And in fact, I've locked it down so you have to request to follow me. I'm just like, you know what? I'm just using it for totally personal. Allissa is a lot better at Instagram for business than I am. She does a great job at Instagram for both Massage Business Blueprint and for her practice, so she's definitely the Instagram expert here. But I am interested to hear what is new because I've heard that there is a new Instagram algorithm, and I think you're going to tell us more about that.

KP Yes. So around -- I don't remember. Time is really weird right now. But I feel like it was a few months ago whenever Instagram released something called Reels. Our -- it just completely changed; all of our engagement went down. And this is -- I'm talking about our business account primarily, the Yomassage account. Our engagement maybe even went down to one-fourth or one-fifth of what it had been before. And so that's kind of when the changes started happening. Did you notice anything like that?

AH I might be the Instagram expert of the Blueprint team, but I am not an expert. I actually rarely even look at our Instagram stats. But I will tell you that I did note that change when they introduced Reels. And that was kind of their answer to TikTok, right, like --

KP Right. Yes.

AH -- short videos and they go away, right?

KP Um-hum.

AH I think they go away. I don't know. I think you can save some of them. And yeah. I noticed that -- I haven't officially looked at our stats, so I don't have the numbers. But I definitely noticed a decrease in engagement with our posts.

KP Um-hum.

AH And I also noticed that our feed was just a hot mess.

KP Yes.

AH Yeah. I know you're going to talk more about that, so I'll be quiet. But yes, I did notice a change. Actually, my kid complained about it too. She was annoyed by it. So tell us what's going on there.

KP Yeah. I'm going to talk about your feed and why it looks different and what kind of -- what are the factors that influence the algorithm for Instagram feeds. There's actually six key things, but I'm going to talk about -- mostly focus on four to five of them.

The first one is interest. So it looks at behaviors such as the accounts you follow, the accounts you like and comment on, the people who are tagged in photos with you, and Instagram prioritizes those posts. So if you're not liking someone's post or interacting, commenting, you're probably not going to see those posts. So it's just -- it's something to know. And it's important because if your followers aren't engaging with your posts, that means they're not going to see them in their feed. So that's something to be really aware of. And the most important thing for Instagram, as far as making it show up in your feed, is comments; likes; shares; and for videos, views. And what sharing is is there's a little airplane-type of option on the bottom. It looks like a paper airplane, and if you click that, it'll share to your stories, or you can share it with someone else. So that part is -- it's really important that people are doing that to your posts, and that will help it in the algorithm. But comments and likes, too, are really important.

MR This is new? I thought it was -- I know Facebook has had these factors for a while. But this is new for Instagram? It sounds like these are not -- these were not in place before.

KP For a while -- well, since the beginning, Instagram started as chronological order. And then they have evolved this -- I think, for several years maybe, it's been different ranking than just chronological. But this recent update has prioritized comments, likes, and shares over whatever else it was before. So maybe before, it was just likes or something, and now it's comments, likes, and reshares.

MR Hmm. Interesting.

KP Yeah. It's just -- it's something to note because, yeah, if people aren't interacting with your post, other people aren't going to see it, if that makes sense. Or they're not going to see it in their feed anymore. So if someone who used to look at your post but they never commented or liked it, they might not see your next post.

MR Okay.

KP The next thing it focuses is relationships. So it looks at people whose content you like. People who you direct message is really important, people that you search for, and people that you potentially know in real life. I'm not sure how they know that one. But if you've ever noticed if you send someone a direct message or if you search someone, you might see their things on the top of your feed. So yeah. Just something to keep in mind. If there's any way that you can encourage people to direct message you or search for you or like your stuff, they're going to be more likely to see your posts.

MR So as far as knowing people in real life, I'm guessing that has to do with geolocation --

KP Oh, yeah. That could potentially --

MR -- of where you are. [Laughing]

KP Yeah. [Laughing] Yeah.

MR If you're geographically in the same vicinity as someone else on a regular basis, I'm guessing they count that as knowing in real life.

KP Yes. Yeah, that makes sense. And I think it's beneficial for massage therapists to mostly have a local audience. You probably don't care if someone in a different state or country is looking at your feed because they're probably not going to show up for a massage.

MR But yeah, that could be really beneficial because obviously you're seeing your clients in person, so that geolocation could work in your favor.

KP Yeah. Yeah, definitely. The next one is timeliness. In addition to engagement, it looks at posts that have been posted recently. So even if a post has 10,000 likes, it's not going to show it to you if it was from like a week ago. It's only going to want to show posts that have been posted within the past day or two. And so it's important that you're posting regularly, I say three to five times a week just to make sure that you have frequent posts that people can see.

The next one is frequency. And this is different than timeliness. It's how frequently you look at your feed. So even if you open up the Instagram app and are just checking your text messages, or maybe you look at Instagram story -- or not text message, DMs, but if you're doing something else other than scrolling on your feed, which some people do -- I'm someone who, whenever I log in to the app, I'm really just checking DMs or maybe looking at some stories or maybe commenting or searching some other profiles. If I don't scroll through the feed, then Instagram's not going to show me everyone's posts. It's just going to show me the top, most recent, most-engaged-with posts. So that's something to keep in mind.

And then the last one is really similar to that. How many people are you following? If you're following a ton of people, then you're not, obviously, going to see everyone's posts anymore. You might even notice that if you're not following a lot of people, you might scroll a little bit, and then you might log in -- you might open the app in a few hours and then scroll, and then it will say "end of feed" and then show you just random posts of people that you're not even following anymore. So if you do want to improve your personal feed, I would say try to scroll more, even if -- try to just scroll and like and get pretty far down on the feed, and it will still try to show you as much. But if you're not scrolling at all, then it might eventually start to show you posts that -- of people you're not even following anymore.

Those are the main things, and hopefully that kind of answers some questions about changes in your feed over the past few months. Does that answer your question, Allissa?

AH Yeah, it kind of does in that I was -- of course, I opened my Instagram and started kind of looking at it and realized that you're absolutely right. It was showing me posts from someone that I direct messaged yesterday and somebody I searched for the day before, and those were prioritized in my feed. And it definitely -- I interact with a lot of embroidery -- people who do embroidery, embroidery artists. And I was -- so when it switches to that "people you don't follow but they think you're going to be interested in" portion, it's all 100% embroidery.

KP Right.

AH It's just nothing but pretty stitched flowers. And I was kind of -- I was like -- it made sense to me because a couple weeks ago or months ago when I started embroidering, I followed a couple of artists, and now it just feeds me a ton of that. So it's kind of interesting.

What -- I want to be interacting more, especially with people who I want to see my stuff and whose -- people whose stuff I want to see more of. Outside of that, what do you think? I mean, should you go in -- should I go in and stop following randos that I don't really need to follow, that I may have outgrown from years ago? What do you think?

KP Yeah. You should definitely do that. You should definitely unfollow accounts that -- maybe they're not even on Instagram anymore. You don't know them. You should unfollow them. Sometimes Instagram gets a little bit upset if you unfollow a lot of people, so just be careful with that, maybe just a couple accounts a day. But yeah. The reason it's important is because it -- this is -- it's happening to other people too. It's not just your feed; it's the people who are -- you want to see your posts. But the other thing that you might want to do or think about doing is make people not follow you who are ghost accounts. So if they're not interacting -- it could be hurting your chances of being seen by other people if you have a bunch of people who are following you that aren't interacting at all. So it's something to consider, if you have ghost accounts, to maybe remove them from people who are following you as well.

AH And I was --

MR So you just block them.

AH You actually don't even have to block them. I was just playing with this. If you go to their profile and you -- I'm on an iPhone. So if you touch the three little dots at the top of the screen, it actually gives you a bunch of options. You can restrict or block or report, or you can just "remove follower." So you can just bump them out of your followers --

MR Oh, that's more polite.

AH -- which I kind of knew how to do because I totally did that to my mother last week.

MR [Laughing]

KP [Laughing]

AH [Laughing] But anyhow. All right. That's really good. So get rid of random, old accounts that may have been bots that followed you or people who've just given up on the whole thing.

KP Um-hum. Yeah.

AH So get rid of them.

KP Another thing is, like you said, if you DM someone and they DM you back, that could help them see your posts more because not only did you just DM them, they DMed you. So it's important. And if you comment on someone's post, they'll comment back, and then maybe they'll comment on one of yours. So even if it's just, I don't know, a potential client or something or someone who looks like a potential client, DMing them and just saying -- I don't know, replying to one of their stories or just saying, oh, this is awesome -- I don't know, something like that just to kind of start those open communications and interactions with your followers because it's really about building this community and making sure that you're seeing people's posts that you actually care about.

AH And if you're thinking about this -- I was kind of thinking about this based on -- well, the account I have for me and my massage practice, I do follow -- a handful of clients who followed me I follow them back. Mostly, I follow a lot of local businesses. But I was thinking, if I follow them back, what do I feel comfortable -- how do I feel comfortable interacting with them because I don't want to drop into a client's DMs uninvitedly. But people -- but you can always leave comments on their posts.

KP Um-hum.

AH People always love to hear about how cute their cat, their kid, or their grandchild is.

KP Yes.

AH So those are really safe. If there are people who post pictures of food, then you can absolutely compliment their meal. And so you can -- even if you're not comfortable dropping into the DMs, you can still comment and interact on posts on a totally professional and appropriate level. Just use your judgment.

KP Yes. Yeah, I agree. I don't think it should be anything salesy unless they're asking you specifically. And I -- it definitely shouldn't cross the -- it should be professional, but anything like, so cute, or that looks good, or just an emoji sometimes, anything like that that's just an interaction. And then it's just going to make them feel more comfortable to interact with you and hopefully make them see your posts.

MR Katherine, I want to get your opinion on a business approach here. So in looking at this -- I'm reading some notes here. In looking at this list you went through, some people might approach it and say, okay, great. So now I have kind of a formula that Katherine shared with us and said, okay, we've got these different things. We can follow certain interests, we can be timely and maybe have a formula of three to five times per week, and we can pop open Instagram and open up the feed a certain amount of times per day. We can kind of calculate who we're following, and it's more kind of systematic and process driven. Others might say, well, all this stuff really just points to naturally using Instagram kind of in a habitual basis. Do you think there's a right or wrong way to approach this?

KP Yeah. I think that -- what I talk about in our social media training is that I don't want you guys to think of -- or have to be social media managers for your business where it's something full time. I think it should be 30 minutes a day or more if you want to. But reply to your DMs. That's really important that you're treating your DMs like it's email, basically. You're going to reply to an email; you should always reply to a DM unless it's spam or something. Same thing with comments. Treat your DMs and comments as if it's someone emailing you, and you should always reply to it.

Post three to five times a week, and then encourage your followers to interact with you, so whether it's asking more questions or just writing your captions in ways that encourages more interaction or encourages a comment, or even saying something like -- every once in a while in your caption saying, hey, it really helps me out if you comment below or if you share. It just helps my post be seen by more people. And that can just encourage people to keep interacting with you. Maybe just reminding them that, like, oh, if you don't comment, you might not see my posts anymore, so make sure you comment below, and doing stuff like that frequently. You can't just do that once. It's something that maybe you remind people every couple weeks.

MR So what would you say to a massage therapist that says, hey, direct messages on Instagram are not a professional way to communicate; I'm not going to respond to those if clients message me. What would you say to someone who says that?

KP I would say -- what we do is -- and we've talked about -- I was just listening to a podcast today that -- or yesterday that said you're always going to have clients that no matter how put together your website is, no matter how many FAQs you have, no matter how many video tutorials you have, they're always going to email you or message you just -- either because they're lazy or sometimes they just want to know that there's a real person on the other side. And so I think that sometimes that's just what they're doing. We get a lot of random questions in our DMs. It's like, if you just went to our website, you would know the answer to that question. And if it's something like that, we always just reply and just send a link to our website. And we'll just say, oh, great question. Send a link here. Or I'll even just reply and say, oh, great question. Email this email. So if someone is sending you a message that you don't necessarily think is professional or you don't -- you would rather it be in an email, just say, oh, great question. Can you email me? And just give them your email.

MR Gotcha. So yeah. I don't -- it sounds like you -- like some people would say, well, I don't -- I use email or a phone to communicate. And others may be perfectly comfortable using direct messaging through Instagram. It's not a one size fits all, obviously. But it sounds like if you're comfortable with it, you don't see Instagram direct messaging as any less professional than an email, for example.

KP No, I don't.

MR Got it.

KP I mean, I wouldn't use it -- I find it more disorganized. I would feel --

MR [Laughing] Yeah.

KP [Laughing] Yeah. It's harder to keep track of. My email, it's like a to-do list. And it's like, okay, I did that. I did that. I did that. And DMs can get lost sometimes, so I don't think it's as reliable. But if a client does ask you -- maybe they send you a message and they're like, oh, can I book with you? Then you just -- a simple reply and say, email me or check my web -- here's a link to my website. And if you're getting a lot of -- if you're getting ten of those a day, then, I mean, I wouldn't complain about that. That's amazing. Just figure out how you're going to deal with it. But you're probably not going to be able -- be getting one or multiple messages like that a week, I would say. But if you are, I feel like that's a good thing. I wouldn't want to complain about that.

MR Yeah. I would agree. So in your experience working with a whole bunch of massage therapists on a regular basis in your teaching and training, do you have kind of a gut reaction about how many massage therapists, percentage-wise, use Instagram really well for business?

KP That was -- that's funny because I was going to ask you all the same. I think that a lot of -- massage isn't huge on Instagram. I've looked at some hashtags, and I talk about this in our training that's -- I don't even have the numbers, but if you type in #yoga, you're going to find millions and millions of people using that tag. And if you look at #massage or #massagetherapist, it's very small compared to yoga or other things in the same realm. And I think people think that it's not something that's super aesthetically pleasing to post pictures of. But I actually think that if it's done really well or if it's -- even videos can be really -- massage videos can be really relaxing. I think it's just, with something like yoga, people think that they can take a really pretty picture. And with massage, maybe they think that it's just not something that people really want to see on their feed. But yeah.

There's not as many massage therapists on Instagram as I think that there should be. But I think we should be definitely utilizing it more. And that means that there's an opening. There's -- if you can break into the market, I think there's room for more massage therapists to be successful on Instagram.

MR Well, Allissa ran a really cool massage room project for our members once, and it was really cool.

AH Yeah. We did this cool, 30-day -- I don't want to call it a challenge -- suggestions of -- because everyone's like, I don't know what to post. And we did this thing where I had people -- and I did it myself. I walked around my massage room, and I took pictures of every little thing in my massage room, everything from my Bluetooth speaker to the shearling warming pad on my table to the foot pedal for my electric table, everything. Every picture was just a post, and in that post, I would just say what the thing was. And it gave me a really great launching pad to talk about random topics that people don't think about. So my Bluetooth speaker --

KP Yes.

AH Yeah. I posted a picture of it, and I talked about how it was a treat to myself to get this really high-quality speaker one year. And I got to talk about massage music. This is what I typically play because this is what I like. But sometimes, I have clients bring in their own music, and it's really easy to hook up to the speaker, and you can bring yours in, and tell me what you like next time you come in. And it was great because it gave us a month's worth of content. We did it on Instagram and on our Google My Business pages. A lot of people saw increased traffic to their websites. It was super, super fun. And we have that whole project outlined with suggested scripts and stuff in our premium member community. But it's something that's super easy and accessible to everybody.

KP Yeah.

AH But I think I wanted to note is that I think we under-utilize connecting with other small businesses on these platforms.

KP Um-hum.

AH I moved a couple of towns over; my office moved in the fall. And I used Instagram to kind of follow a bunch of the local small businesses, now, where like half of them are shut down right now. But I followed them, and I've been kind of following their updates, and a couple of them followed me back. And these are going to be the restaurants I go get lunch at and the gift shops that I go shop at post-pandemic. And it's a huge way to really build your relationship with other small business owners because you have a way to introduce yourself when you walk in the door. You can be like, hey, I saw you on Instagram. I opened my business down the street. And (indiscernible) --

KP Yeah. I think those are amazing tips. I love that idea of just taking pictures of random things in your office. Yeah, that's -- I mean, that's exactly what you should be posting. And in our training, I have a lot of ideas, and I go through other accounts and show you examples and stuff. And then also, yeah, we talk about connecting with other businesses, so I think it's so important as a business owner, especially if you're by yourself -- you don't have a co-founder, you're just running your own business -- it can be a little bit lonely sometimes, so it can be good to try to connect with other people in the community, your neighbors.

I did that whenever I had my yoga studio, and it was -- I connected with the guy at the -- who owned the ice cream shop next door and all the different businesses. You can do giveaways with them. Maybe message them and see, like, hey, do you want to do a giveaway? I want to give away 20% off a massage. Do you want to give away a free whatever? And that can be a good way to bring together local businesses. But that's -- I mean, and then you guys are going to have crossovers between your followings. Their followers are going to follow you. Your followers are going to follow them. And it's just a great way to build community and boost interactions.

MR Love it. Well, Katherine, thank you. This has been really useful, for me especially because I'm not that great at Instagram, and I know for a lot of our listeners. Is there anything else you would add when it comes to advice for massage therapists on Instagram? Obviously responding to the algorithm, understanding how it works is extremely useful. Anything else you would add if someone's out there saying, hey, I kind of like Instagram. I'm not great at it for business. I'd like to do something different to maybe help get more exposure. Anything else you would add?

KP I think just consistency is key. And don't expect -- especially with everything that we've talked about, you can see it's not something that's going to change overnight. It's going to take definitely some time to kind of change your feed and to get into others' feeds. So don't expect those to happen overnight. Be consistent. Try to do a little bit of something every single day, and yeah, hopefully you'll see some results.

MR Nice. And just to kind of throw this in here: Instagram is a pretty consumer-oriented network, meaning it's not -- you don't get a lot of big businesses. I mean, I guess they are on there. But as far as a massage therapist targeting clientele, it's a really kind of nice, everyday, fun network that a lot of people use and really enjoy just for looking up stuff, looking at pictures, keeping in touch. It's a really light, kind of, fun network that's devoid of some of the baggage you find elsewhere. Would you agree with that?

KP Yeah, totally. It's really -- it's image- and now video-based. Yeah, I think it's a really great way to have more personal connections with people and interact and learn things too. There's a lot of good information on Instagram and just different communities that you can be a part of, like, what did Allissa say, the knitting -- is it knitting or embroidery?

AH Embroidery. Yeah.

KP Yeah. It's just so fun. Different book clubs and just so many different people with similar interests that you can connect with.

MR Nice. Katherine, thank you. This has been really great. I really appreciate the knowledge you've shared and everything you've helped us understand about what's going on with Instagram. So let's wrap up. I want to point out a couple things that I love about Yomassage, and then we'll talk about the offer again for those who may have missed it the first time around.

So one thing I love about Yomassage and what you and Tiffany have done is you don't just teach. You have created a real vibrant community. And what that means is -- I'm looking at your website right now. You don't just teach Yomassage. You have classes on social media, on mindful touch, on how to take your massage practice online. So you don't just teach people to do Yomassage; you teach massage therapists how to get better at business and to enter a new -- create new services and expand their business in different ways. That's really powerful. And your community -- the online communication you provide to bring people together is amazing. So I really am excited for what you've done to go beyond just the teaching and to really build community. I really appreciate that about what you and Tiffany have done.

KP Yeah. Thank you for noticing that. It's really -- we're not just another CE provider where you take a training, and then we never see you again, and it's -- you may or may not implement it into your practice. We really care about what you do with Yomassage. We really care that you're successful, and we want to help you every step of the way, whether that's helping you promote it on social media, whether it's helping you take it online if that's where things are going. We want to help you in all aspects of your business. And we have a Facebook group that you can join after that's just so active with so many supportive practitioners posting pictures and ideas. And we have a monthly Zoom meeting with anyone who's taken our training. And yeah. I mean, we're here long-term for you to help you in any way that we can. And we want to see you be successful.

MR Thank you. That's great. Well, let's wrap up with the offer again in case we missed it the first time around. Make sure I -- let me know if I don't get this right, but it looks like we have two offers here. One is for the social media course online, and you can get 20% off the social media course by using the code MBBSOCIAL, and then 10% off any Yomassage training using the code MBB10. And those are, of course, at your website --

KP Yes.

MR -- which is yomassage.com, where you can find it all there.

KP Yes. Thank you so much. It's so good to be here. And yeah. Let me know if you guys have any questions.

MR Sounds good.

AH Great. Thank you.

MR Yeah. Thanks, Katherine. We'll -- I'm sure we'll have you back again. We'll have a conversation, again, about something else equally exciting. So until then, again, thanks again. So thanks, everyone, for joining us today. Definitely reach out to Katherine and Tiffany at yomassage.com. And if you'd like to find us, Allissa and I, we are massagebusinessblueprint.com. We appreciate you joining us today. Have a great day. We'll see you next time.

AH Bye.